Applying for a Chace Foundation Grant
Grant Application: Policies and ProceduresBelow are the specific requirements for various types of grant applications.
- Travel expenses and/or tuition for an individual’s education.
- Operating expenses for a clinical or educational program.
- Salary of principal investigator.
- Proposals must accurately reflect the ability and capacity of applicant to deliver and complete the project within the specified time and allocated funding.
- Proposal budget must be detailed, accurate and appropriate to meet the anticipated needs of the proposal. If accepted funds will be granted fully or partially.
- Educational proposals must demonstrate evidence of community financial or in-kind support.
Grant Submissions:
- Applicants should e-mail and send proposal followed by (5) hard copies that include name, address, and phone. Do not send to ADTA office. You may want a tracking number but do not require a specific signature.
- Include cover letter and what type of Grant you are applying for (Research, Film/Video, Publication, Educational)
- The electronic submission of reference letters is sent by the reference individuals directly to the MCF email below
- Hard copies need only include actual grant proposal. All other support materials are acceptable in electronic form. Send to MCF email below.
Email to: [email protected]
Hard Copies to:
Marian Chace FoundationLynn Koshland, Secretary976 East 200 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84102
Deadlines for Submissions: February 28 of each year.
If your application is accepted:
If an applicant is selected as grant recipient, a signed agreement is required for completion of project within proposed timeframe or negotiated extension. The following guidelines will apply:
- A quarterly progress report and budget update will be submitted to the Trustees.
- An article will be submitted to the American Journal of Dance Therapy within six months of completion of the project (unless film/video).
- All grants require that the Marian Chace Foundation be acknowledged in any printed materials, descriptions and presentations of the project.
Applicants should apply according to the following guidelines.
The Proposal
- Please limit proposal to 15-20 pages.
- A description which provides a brief but complete overview of the proposed project (1-2 paragraphs).
- Introduction
- Statement of the problem
- Statement of the research question(s)
- Statement of the hypothesis (if relevant)
- Delimitations
- Definition of terms
- The importance of the study to the field
- Brief literature review demonstrating knowledge of research previously done in this area and supporting the need for further research. Complete reference list.
- Methodology
- Theoretical research framework (qualitative or quantitative)
- Sample
- Where the research will be completed and if that site has a research review board.
- Informed consent forms
- Ethical considerations
- How the data will be collected
- How the data will be analyzed
- How the data will be presented
- Limitations of design
- Methods for achieving validity or trustworthiness
- Budget
The request for funds must specifically articulate needs and costs. When budgeting for personnel fully describe purpose, functions and responsibilities. Requests for equipment and supplies need to be itemized and detailed. Administrative costs include copying, postage, telephone and other supplemental expenses. Include other sources of funding.
- Plan for disseminating results in addition to a required article for the American Journal of Dance Therapy.
- Timeframe for completion of project.
- Qualifications of researchers. List of advisors/ consultants to the project. Please describe duties and identify the specific timeframe in which they will be involved. Provide vitae.
- Two letters of support: one from a dance/movement therapist and one from a professional who is knowledgeable in the proposed area of research who is not involved in the research project.
Applicants for a FILM/VIDEO grant should apply according to the following guidelines:
- A description that provides a brief but complete overview of the proposed project (1-2 paragraphs).
- A short DVD example
- A storyboard of proposed film/video
- Target audience
- Budget
The request must be very specifically articulated as to needs and costs. When budgeting for personnel describe purpose, functions and responsibilities fully. Requests for equipment and supplies need to be itemized and detailed. Administrative costs include copying, postage, telephone and other supplemental expenses. Include other sources of funding.
- Credentials of producers
- Timeline for completion of project including post production.
- Dissemination/marketing plan.
- Two letters of support: one from a dance/movement therapist and one from a professional who is knowledgeable about publishing or media being used.
Applicants for a PUBLICATION grant should apply according to the following guidelines:
- A description that provides a brief but complete overview of the proposed project (1-2 paragraphs)
- Target audience
- Budget: The request must be very specifically articulated as to needs and costs. When budgeting for personnel describe purpose, functions and responsibilities fully. Requests for equipment and supplies need to be itemized and detailed. Administrative costs include copying, postage, telephone and other supplemental expenses. Include other sources of funding
- Credentials of authors
- Timeline for completion of project
- Dissemination/marketing plan
- Two letters of support: one from a dance/movement therapist and one from a professional who is knowledgeable about publishing
In order to support the development of dance/movement therapy in other countries that are less developed and economically disadvantaged, and similar under-served sections of the United States, the Foundation will consider applications from established dance/movement therapy practitioners and teachers to enable teaching and curriculum development in such areas.
- BUDGET- If accepted, it is necessary to have other funding resources. These can be designated donations to the Foundation by individuals or associations and additionally must include partial support from the host agency.
- Upon completion of the project, it is required that the recipient write a narrative to enable others to understand the problems and possibilities of this kind of work through an article to be published in the American Journal of Dance Therapy.
Applications should include the following:
- Credentials of applicant
- Specific description of purpose and methods envisaged.
- Describe how this project relates to dance/movement therapy knowledge and purpose, and contributes to the larger scope of the profession.
- Details of the budget being considered including funds from other sources.
- Plans for disseminating information.
- Time frame.
- Letters of support from host agency, dance/movement therapists and others knowledgeable of your project.